

CCO Boat Club is an exclusive membership-only club where our boats and extended amenities are only available to its members. Our boats are never for rent or charter and there are never any hidden fees to use them.

The boat club has a one-time initiation fee and monthly membership dues. Our prices are the same regardless of the location and you membership includes reciprocal use among our locations. The amount is based on your desired usage amount. Click here to learn more about pricing.

Anyone can request to join the CCO Boat Club, however, there will be a vetting process that will take place before the membership is granted. We are offering premium boats and need to make sure that our member's vision of safety, responsibility and camaraderie align with ours in order to be approved.

You can have 2X as many standing reservations as the plan you selected allows. This means you are able to have your standing reservations for the current month AND reserve one more set of selected standing reservations for future dates you'd like to secure.

You may also have access to our "24 Hour" reservations based on your plan as well where you can reserve an additional day if a vessel is available within 24 hours of the desired use and those uses do not count against your standing reservations.

It's actually really simple. You will log into our website or app, select your date, select your location and select your vessel. That's it.

YES, YES AND YES! We will offer one-on-one training on any and all operational matters. We want to make sure that you are prepared and safe on the water. We also want to make sure that you know how to use the equipment to increase your chance at success when fishing.

We will have 12 hour days available for you to use the vessels depending on whether or not it is daylight savings time. Essentially, we will adjust exact times so you can maximize the available time on the water.

You can use our boats within a 50 mile radius of the location

Our fleet will always be evolving based on location, requests and membership. Click here and take a look at the fleet and learn more about them.

You can use the boat as far as allowed as noted above, but not internationally.

Unfortunately not. Our insurance has allowed us to extend range, but not overnight.

YES! All our locations will have access to ice and bait that will be available via our website, app or onsite before you head out.

Absolutely not! You are fully covered in the case of an accident as part of your membership.

The only items that you will be responsible for will be the fuel used, bait, ice, drinks and incidental damage to the vessel not covered by the insurance.